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The student referee programme for UBRFC Members is for those who love the game of rugby and want to be a vital part of the games development. If you're a former player forced into retirement becasue of injury, or simply interested in becoming a referee then get involved today.

What are the benefits of becoming a student referee?

1. UKCC Level 2 Referee Award UBRFC - FREE OF CHARGE

2. Bristol Referee Society will mentor your development after the completion of the first course

3. Be able to referee Intramural games at the University of Bristol

4. Develop key life skills both on and off the pitch

5. RFU will provide a complementary referee jersey

6. Be a member of England Rugby Referees Association and Bristol Referee Society

7. Regular Society Meeting with guest apperances 

The student referee initiate is about developing young people of all back grounds to get involved in men's and women's rugby. 

For more information about RFU Student Refereeing Courses and the Bristol Ref Society please click on the images below:

If you are interested in attending please get in touch with:

Society President- Struan Milligan


Clare Daniels -

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